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Interviewed by Larry Toering

Interview with Doro from 2013


What did you think of the sound in general on the new album?

I think it it was very good, very powerful, I wanted to try to get the best mix I could on the album so I chose a couple of people to do do test mixes and I didn't want to go for any big names or anything, so I got one guy in particular from Scandinavia. And yeah, I thought it was really good. It's sounds real high energy, it's record number seventeen. It sounds old school style with a fresh new sound, and it's one of our best.

What's it like for you touring in the US?

It's an adventure, and if it isn't, we try to still do something to make it wild. We played a club in Texas where it was in an industrial area and when we got there the crew said we couldn't play, and I said “no” and there was no electricity, and I said let's try this and do an acoustic set because I definitely wanted to play. And then we played, and I think it was one of the greatest concerts we've ever done. It was in San Antonio, and I will never forget that. It was a stage made up of road cases and I had stand up and down and up and down, but it was coolest thing, and whoever was at that concert thought so, too. It was special to me and totally wild. As long as the fans are there we do whatever it takes to put on a great show. Big festivals, smaller clubs, we do our best either way.

Who would you see as some of your influences?

When I fell in love with music I was three years old, and it wasn't metal back then, but it was little Richard. He had so much passion and soul. I loved “Lucille,” and when I was a little girl somehow I got that song, and I think I listened to this song on my little record player about ten thousand times, and my parents probably worried.. I made my mind up I wanted to become a singer and do music. Then it took many more years and I formed my first band in 1980, and I tried to see as many concerts as I could. The first was David Coverdale and Whitesnake. So I became a big David Coverdale fan. My second concert was actually Judas Priest and Accept, and my third was Ronnie James Dio, and these three concerts were very influential.  Ronnie was always my favorite singer, and David Coverdale my favorite performer. And I liked the new wave of British heavy metal, Saxon, Iron Maiden, and then I'd say later on, W.A.S.P. and bands like Megadeth and Motorthead, and now I still l love the exactly same bands I listened to in the 80s. From the new bands  now I like One Punchline. I think they're very unique, totally different from anybody, and sometimes when I'm in a mellow mood and I love Pink Floyd. David Gilmour's guitar is very soothing. And we got to play with all these great bands. And I was also a big Kiss fan when we grew up, and we had their executive producer and the guitar player, he is now in Kiss, Tommy Thayer. We got to play with him, and he was the co-producer, as well. He was playing all the solos on the record. Great guitar and I'm glad he made it into Kiss. When you're good, good things happen to you.

Is there any singer you haven't worked with, that you'd like to work with in the future?

Well, it wouldn't be possible, but I always wanted to work with Ronnie James Dio. We toured together and sang together on stage in Florida and it was awesome, but never in the studio. He was my favorite, and I did a song on my new record for him. But music is my life and my family, that's why I like to wake up in the morning. And matter if it was raining or snowing he always gave the audience an autograph or a hug.

What do you think if illegal downloading?

Oh yeah, I guess there is a big, big difference. When I started in the 80s things were pretty good, and now I would say, most of the record companies I was signed with, they don't exist anymore. They had to close doors, and the label I was with in America was a Spanish label, they had to close doors. And many record companies merged, and now all the old people are all gone, and it was so drastic. On one hand I think that it's great that everybody can listen to the music and especially in some countries where it was not possible to get a hold of something. So, I think the internet is great. But we tour to pay the bills, all over the world, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, so now it's a great way to get music, China, yeah. But on the other hand, when nobody buys records anymore, it's so hard for a record company to survive. I always loved to go to the record store and I would spend all of my money and free time there. And I miss that very much, and all the in-store's we used to do. I'm still a vinyl collector, but I do like technology, you can be connected with the whole wide world. I was a graphic artist before I started music. But you go with the times and tour much more and make the best of it. Records aren't as important anymore. It's turned around., but I always go full out recording an album like in the 80s and 90s.

Do you have a favorite Spinal Tap moment?

I took a nap in my car, and I woke up and it was already dark, and tons of fans were getting tickets, and I thought I had slept too long. So, I went to the people who handed out tickets, and they wouldn't believe me, and they said, “little girl you have to stand in line.” And they had to call the tour manager and security and I was let in five minutes before the concert started.

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MSJ: This interview is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2013  Volume 1 at
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