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Pat Mastelotto

Interviewed by Gary Hill

Interview with Pat Mastelotto from 2017


It's been a few years since we've interviewed you. What's been new in your world?

I assume you're not talking about politics?

We put a nice big window in our bedroom And another in the kitchen so we have a great view to wash dishes by...and lots of music of course , check my Instagram for chronological perspective


How are the new King Crimson gigs going?

Great! It just keeps getting better and better.


How do you make three drummers work without stepping one another's toes?

We eliminate notes... we talk, we listen, we make space...


What was the last CD you bought and/or what have you been listening to lately?

Ha! Busted ...I don't actually buy that many CDs anymore. I'm pretty darn busy working on the music I'm  working on but I did buy Todd's new CD White Night.


Have you read any good books lately?

Yea- for Father's Day I got a great atlas book.... but most of my books are now audiobooks that I listen to on the road. Some I've listened to this year that I really enjoy  Sapiens, The Show that Never Ends. Smoke Signals is an awesome book, A book about Jon Stewart and  the late late show - a lot of interesting stuff in there. The War On Art is another good one and Graham Nash's autobiography called "Wild Tales."

MSJ: What about the last concert you attended for your enjoyment?

Gosh, I'm drawing a blank.  What comes to mind is this camp we've been doing up in the Catskills. We call it "three of the perfect pair camp," and the campers get together and rehearse and perform songs for us, and there's been some amazing performances


Do you remember your first concert?

Sure! I assume you mean rock 'n' roll concerts... The first significant one was the guys from Blue Cheer, at the time I think they called themselves "The Peterson Brothers," and that was at the national guard armory in Marysville.  The first big big show I went to was when my mom took me and Kevin and Mike (the two guys in my eighth grade power trio) to the Oakland Coliseum see Blind Faith and the openers were Bonnie Delaney and Friends and Free ("All Right Now" was their big hit right then) and an unnamed band at the bottom of the bill that I think was Santana.


Have you come across any new gear recently that you love?

Lots ! I got a new drum kit from DW. It's a custom kit made from Cherion mahogany, and I'm using it this year on the Crimson tour -  beautiful drums...

Are there any closing thoughts you would like to get out there?

Nope, well ..just peace and love..

MSJ: This interview is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017  Volume 5 at
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