Collective Soul
 Review by Lisa Palmeno

Collective Soul's Dosage is definitely "collective"; the sum of the the parts make a very cohesive, coherent, and unified artistic piece. The CD is percussively unique overall, with many different sounds that would appeal to gen x'ers, but loaded with influences from the '70s on up.
Ed Roland's dreamy vocals, the disco/techno sound effects from the keyboards, and experimental edge define Collective Soul's sound. The album has good dance music, introspective ballads, soul-baring lyrics, and enough electronic variety to keep up with ELO.
Hendrix-like guitar riffs are thrown in, along with hearty smatterings from the power pop style of the punk era. Dosage is the epitome of alternative music with its genre crossing and fusing added to millenium antics.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2005 Year Book Volume 3 at https://garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2005.