Dog Faced Gods
 Stoned Council
 Review by Gary Hill

I have to make one thing perfectly clear. This review in no way supports or condones the usage of illegal substances. That said, I doubt very much that Dog Faced Gods could say the same thing. The marijuana references are all over the packaging and songs here. These guys just scream stoner. The musical style, however, is definitely not restricted by that one genre. While a lot of the songs do at least touch on stoner rock or stoner metal, there is a lot more here than just that. In fact, I would say that in many ways these guys have one of the most diverse sounds I've ever heard, and reach more deeply into more influences than anyone else. The result is an album that, while definitely not perfect, is very strong. Personally, I think they picked the wrong song to open the album with. "Desperately" simply feels rather amateurish, and it might turn off listeners before they have a chance to delve deeper. For future reference guys, start and end with strong material. If you have weaker stuff, tuck it in somewhere in the middle of the album. As the cliche goes, you may never get a second chance to make a first impression.
The music on this disc covers territory ranging from the aforementioned stoner tunes to garage band / indie sounds, classic metal, rap and even southern rock. A few songs just ooze Alice In Chains - you don't get a much more varied trick bag than that. Frankly, these guys have turned out one very cool album here, and I am interested in seeing what else they have up their sleeves.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2005 Year Book Volume 3 at https://garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2005.