Forever Einstein
 Racket Science
 Review by Gary Hill

I know it's early in the year, but I can say with certainty that Forever Einstein have cinched at least a couple of titles with their latest release. The winner for 2005 for the most unusual and creative song titles (and longest ones, too) will almost positively go to Forever Einstein. In the category of most quick movements in a song, they look to be a shoe in as well. Overall the disc continues their tradition of creating unique and very listenable guitar based prog that draws on many varied musical sources for inspiration. And, as usual, it's all delivered with a sizeable sense of humor.
An album like this is always a challenge for a journalist trying to do track by track analysis. The songs make so many rapid fire changes that you don't have a chance to get all your ideas down before they are three or four changes down the road. To quote on of the song titles on the album, it leads me to wish I had me some of them miracle smart pills.". While that may make for a lot of backing up on the CD player for me, it makes for an ever-changing musical landscape to challenge and entertain most listeners. They don't vary much from the tried and true, but when you are as creative as these guys are, every song is a new experience. This one should be a treat to fans of the band and another opportunity for a first listen for those who like creative guitar dominated progressive rock.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2005 Year Book Volume 1 at https://garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2005.