Judah The Lyrical Rev
 It Is What It Is
 Review by Gary Hill

So you say you don’t like hip-hop because of the glorification of drugs and violence and the degradation of women? Well, you won’t find any of that here. This disc is a very strong album with a positive message. The beats and sounds are very well chosen and no one can dis him on the rhymes. In the opening cut he says, "look close you won't find a flaw in this design." He's referring to his rap style, and I have to say, I don't disagree with that statement one bit. I suppose for the hardcore gangsta fans this one will not be legit. Judah draws his lyrical inspiration from Christianity. So, you won't find gratuitous sex and violence in this mix. The thing is, he doesn't hit you over the head with his religious beliefs to the point of seeming "preachy."
For fans of hip-hop that can live without all the hardcore references, this one is a great release. For those who would like a good introduction to the musical style without having to sit through a lot of usages of the "f" word and hearing women called by a name that rhymes with "witch" this is also highly recommended. In general, I'd say that this is very strong album that showcases a solid rapper who seems like he's probably a good guy, too. That's not always a combination that shows up. For more information or to buy the CD check out Judah’s myspace.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2006 Volume 6 at lulu.com/strangesound.