George Strait
 It Just Comes Natural
 Review by Gary Hill

Anyone who has followed MSJ for a while will know that I’m not a huge fan of country music. The truth is until a few years ago I didn’t like the genre at all. Over the years of being a music journalist, though, I’ve learned that there is really good and bad in every genre. When someone is committed to their art and let’s their true spirit shine through, any music has its merits. The truth is, I’ve come to appreciate a lot of country music. Don’t get me wrong, there is still a lot of it out there that I don’t think is worth much, but on the other hand, there are a lot of artists putting their heart and soul into a tried and true American art form and making it work. George Strait is one such man. His music (with the exception of one or two songs on this disc) steers clear of the trend to turn country music into some generic pop style and keeps it real. That is a good thing. While there are places on this disc where it gets a bit too twangy for my tastes, this is really a strong disc and very listenable. It is without question recommended to fans of real country music – with no reservations. Those who are wanting to experience this art form at its most authentic will also find a lot to like about this disc. There are really only a couple of tracks that leave me a bit dry (and one of this is more because of the similarity to the other material than due to any weakness on its part). I wouldn’t say that this will make m list of favorite CD’s, but I will say that I like it quite a bit. That’s actually high praise coming from a reformed country music hater like myself. It’s a long personal recovery period on my part, but with getting to appreciate discs like this it’s well worth the effort.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2006 Volume 6 at lulu.com/strangesound.