Guy Manning
 One Small Step...
 Review by Josh Turner

Guy Manning makes intriguing music every time and this won't be the one to let you down. At this pace, he may never slip or fall. He's surely made steps in the right direction.
While his albums are broken into tracks, they usually follow one long theme. The whole album could be seen as one single epic. Here he takes the talents that have been developed in The Tangent and brings them into his parallel project. The music probably sounds most like The Tangent's Gap in the Night where his potent and passionate vocals trade off with ardent instrumentals. This is extremely blissful music from a very talented Brit. I guess you could say he puts the pound in the progressive.
While you won't really encounter anything outlandishly different that what's been done before, he takes his familiar formula to the next level. Everything is fine-tuned and refined. Every edge is sandy smooth and every plane is shiny as glass. With each listen, I'm more and more impressed with how he's integrated the tricky instrumental passages with the subverted vocal verses.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2005 Year Book Volume 2 at https://garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2005.