Spock's Beard
 The Light
 Review by Gary Hill

This album shows influences from many prog directions (Yes, Genesis, Alan Parsons) and nonprog directions (metal, Elton John). In many cases the songs are so dynamic, shifting directions so quickly, that it makes the track by track reviews difficult to do. When one measure sounds like one thing, the next is in another direction, and then we jump to yet a new leaning, it makes for a difficult review. Suffice it to say this is dynamic and solid prog work. The personnel on this album is Neal Morse, Alan Morse, Dave Meros and Nick D`Virgilio.
The album should be available in stores everywhere or you can order it directly from the label. The price is $17.00 plus $3.00 shipping, and can be ordered by mail at Radiant Records, PO Box 123, Cross Plains, TN, 37049 (make checks payable to Radiant Records), or on-line at http://www.altura.com/jordanz/Spocks_beard/sb/cds.html.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: The Early Years Volume 2 at lulu.com/strangesound.