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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Cherry Poppin’ Daddies

Skaboy JFK

Review by Gary Hill

This best of compilation from Cherry Poppin’ Daddies seems to be focused primarily on the ska side of the group’s sound. Of course, given the title that makes sense. It’s a good release and is very easy to latch onto, it just seems a little limited in terms of scope. I have already reviewed a couple of the songs here on a different album review so I’ve adapted those reviews for use here for the sake of consistency.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2010  Volume 2 at

Track by Track Review
Skaboy JFK

A bouncy ska element with a catchy vocal line makes up this track. There’s a cool horn section, too.

Hi and Lo
The reggae is back in spades here. This has more of a modern rock feeling to it and perhaps even a little emo.
Soul Cadillac
A slower cut, this still has some ska, but it has a 1950’s rock and roll texture and some big band sounds, too. It’s a nice change and a cool number. 
Sockable Face Club
A frantic jam, this is more like a RIO styled prog song. It’s super fast and bouncy with a lot of jazz in the mix. I like this one a lot. Again, it adds some variety to the set. It’s so fast it’s scary. 
Bouncy ska, this isn’t that much different from some of the other music here, but the horn riff is quite catchy and it’s just a really fun number. 
End of the Night
A cool retro organ sound dominates this bouncy little number. 
Pool Shark
There’s a killer big band meets hard rock and ska texture to this rocker. For some reasons I’m reminded of Culture Club at times here. This is a killer rocker. 
Cosa Nostra
This doesn’t vary a lot from much of the music here, but it’s just plain tasty. I like it a lot. 
Don Quixote

Bouncy and fast paced, there is appropriately a bit of a Latin feeling to this. We also get some nearly metallic guitar.

The reggae returns on this and this cut is a lot of fun. It’s got a great groove to it and some killer retro sounds.

Another ska tune, this is fun and mainstream, it’s just not overly unique.

Say it to My Face

There’s a big parental warning on the lyrics to this cut. It’s one of the hardest rocking jams here and is a real screamer. There’s a definite punk rock element, but also I pick up bits of sounds like modern King Crimson at times. There’s even a little Rushish bit. This is a great tune, but you just have to be alert for the “f bomb”.

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