Something Heroic
 Choose Your Sides
 Review by Gary Hill

Much modern alternative rock crosses the line into nu-metal territory. In fact, it’s often hard to find a dividing line between the two genre. The Saint Louis based band Something Heroic have managed to build a unique and effective identity in that musical territory. In fact, their sound is more successful than a lot of the bigger bands in the alternative rock field. Much of that effectiveness springs from the difficult balance between consistency and variety.
While bands like Theory of a Deadman suffer from feeling like a different band entirely from song to song, some other bands in this musical field produce song after song that seems nearly identical. Something Heroic avoids both of those traps by producing music that’s consistent to the sound of the group, but quite varied, sometimes in the span of one track.
Something Heroic have produced a nearly perfect slab of alternative hard rock. It shows the group to be talented. In fact, in a “fair world,” these guys would be among the biggest acts of the genre. They stand tall amongst the field of competition.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2011 Volume 5 at lulu.com/strangesound.