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Progressive Rock CD Reviews


Ciò che l'anima non dice

Review by Gary Hill

Certainly some will question putting this album in the progressive rock category. Yes, there’s a lot of heavy metal to be heard on it. The truth is, though, it’s just plain crazed music that still works. It changes incredibly frequently and is very powerful. You’ve probably never heard a band quite like this. Yes, a lot of the music is metallic, but it also touches on more traditional progressive rock and lots of fusion.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2011  Volume 5 at

Track by Track Review
Illusione dei Miei Giorni

The killer jam that brings this in is technical, metallic music, like something from Yngwie Malmsteen. It drops to a dramatic and more atmospheric jam with some cool vocals over the top. We get some tasty crunch guitar laced over the top after that. We get more technical jamming as this continues, then it modulates out to metal and then fusion with a lot of metal in it. This thing is crazy in the rapid fire changes and alterations. It’s also incredibly strong. They even throw some funk into the number.

..E Poi la Luce
Smoking hot fusion with technical metal built in leads out here. It works from there through several changes and alterations. At times it’s more straight ahead metal. It resolves out for a while into something like Queensryche. Then it works out later to almost pure jazz for a time before powering out into some serious metallic jamming. Again, the changes are hard to keep up with. If you don’t like where this cut is at, just wait. It will change quickly. The one constant, though, is incredible musicianship. There’s an amazing bass solo later followed by an exceptionally tasty guitar solo. I particularly like a mellower movement later with some cool processed vocals. We get some thrashy sounds later and even an Iron Maiden-like section.
Un Momento: Vado a Fuoco
Weird sound effects bring this one in. Then vocals come over the top of mellower music. The vocals sound troubled and even frightened or under stress. From there it launches out to something akin to fusion. Again, this combines some extreme metal elements with more progressive rock oriented sounds. It’s crazed and continuously changing modes and directions.
Finalmente Io Sono
Some of the bass playing on this really feels very much like killer fusion. Yet the guitars and other instruments often bring heavy metal. It works to more dramatic crunchy prog, too. Parts of this sound like Dream Theater. A number of changes ensue and this is basically an instrumental that really rocks.
La vastità del mio tempo / Ciò che l'anima non dice
This track is essentially two songs (each with a separate title) separated by a short bit of silence. They bring this in with an intricate motif that’s almost all fusion with only a little metal to be heard. Then it works out to a killer hard rock guitar solo and this is the most “normal” arrangement to this point. As one might guess, they don’t stay there for long. It moves out into a series of changes powering through styles from almost pure metal to fusion and Dream Theater-like sounds. They take it back to mellower, but still driving motifs later, too. There’s even a cool groove based section later. Then a dramatic mellow movement further down the musical road is covered with weird spoken vocals. After a short silence, acoustic guitar brings in the second song of the track. It grows gradually with intricate playing heard. It remains a guitar solo throughout its duration, though.
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Progressive Rock

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