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Progressive Rock CD Reviews


Die Sofortige Ewigkeit II

Review by Gary Hill

This album is a fairly unique one in Copernicus’ catalog. For one thing, it’s got a different band than most of his discs, landing it closer to jazz in a lot of ways. Additionally, this disc came in four editions, one in English, one in French, one in Spanish and this one in German. It’s a great disc, whatever language you speak. Since the tracks are all musically the same, the track by track will be altered from the English edition for the sake of consistency.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2013  Volume 2 at

Track by Track Review
Die Menschheit 1st Schon

There’s a real melodic fusion kind of vibe to this. The vocals are distinctly Copernicus.

Traume in Ballons

We get a harder edge, but the general vibe is similar to the opener. I really dig some of the guitar soloing on this beast.

Die Absolute Warheit Ist Moglich

A bit of a piano solo opens things here and Copernicus’ voice comes over the top of that backdrop as it works into jazzy territory. After a time it powers out into a killer rock groove. Then it drops down to more jazz, though. The rock returns after that short section. There is some serious funk on some of the bass lines and the guitar explodes out into some scorching fusion soloing later. Piano takes over again and it modulates to some weird jazz with Copernicus vocal quite in line with that weirdness of the music.

Frei Von Mir!

Mellow, stripped back music serves as the backdrop for Copernicus’ rants. It’s frantic, crazed and also very cool. We get some hard rocking jamming later that at times calls to mind Pink Floyd. I really dig the melodic, but quite crunchy, guitar solo later in the piece. It’s quite an intriguing ride that glides between nearly metallic rock and fusion.


The Latin meets classic rock sound that opens this makes me think of Santana. Of course, Copernicus’ vocal brings a completely different vibe to this. The cut evolves into more jazz directions, anyway. There is more scorching guitar work later on this tune.

Empfinde Die Nichtexistenz
Weird spacey music serves as the backdrop for Copernicus’ recitations. At first he sounds almost sad and despondent. This gets louder and weirder at times, but remains reasonably space rock like throughout its duration.
Die Karotte

With a stripped down arrangement, this feels like a great bluesy jazz tune with the Copernicus recitations over the top. Musically this is one of the most accessible and mainstream cuts of the whole set.

Der Stock

Frantic fusion makes up the music on this one. It gets rather crazed and dissonant as it continues. This is quite an extensive number and it really rocks out later. There is some serious space rock in the mix later, too. There are parts of this that make me think of Hawkwind a bit.

Es Gibt Keinen Unterschied
There’s a mellow and mainstream feeling to this one. It’s a bit like jazz meets reggae and rock.
Hurra Das Neue!

A gong starts this off. It sounds and fades away. Then it does so again. On the third sounding, other instruments join in sort of a freeform jazz jam. The music is fairly sparse. Copernicus’ voice comes over the top. Then there’s a crescendo after the first spoken section of words. Beyond that, this turns out to hard rocking fusion. It drops to near silence for more vocals and then the band fires back out in more guitar driven fusion. Copernicus comes in over that backdrop and then it drops way down again. This contrast between mellower and harder rocking sounds is great. There are some sections of weird space music later. It shifts to seriously hard-edged music further down the road. There is some jamming later that almost makes me think of Hawkwind a bit. Spacey weirdness takes it near the end and then free form noise jamming is heard.


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