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Non-Prog CD Reviews

The Fall


Review by Gary Hill

I like The Fall. At least, I’ve liked everything I’ve heard from them. Their mix of sounds is pretty unique and intriguing. Overall it is usually categorized as punk rock, but clearly there is a lot of prog and space rock in the mix. I could see this landing in progressive rock, too. I didn’t put it there, though. Yes, this is strange music. You expect that from The Fall. It’s also quite good. I would say that it’s not my favorite album from the outfit, but it’s well worth having.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2013  Volume 5 at

Track by Track Review
No Respects (Intro)

This introductory instrumental is totally progressive rock.

Sir William Wray
With different vocals this would be prog rock. In fact, musically it has a lot in common with Hawkwind. The vocals, though, bring it thoroughly into punk territory. It’s a cool cut.
Kinder of Spine
If the Doors and Booker T and The MGs collaborated with the Clash and the Dead Boys, it would probably sound a lot like this.
Somehow, this seems like a punk “Sonic Attack” (the Hawkwind song, not the band) to me.
Hittite Man
I dig the ominous space rock meets punk and psychedelic vibe of this jam. It’s a cool tune. It really does get pretty intense later.
Pre-Mdma Years
This is a pretty strange song. It’s mostly just an electronic keyboard bit with lots of spoken words over the top. It’s pretty short, though.
No Respects Rev.
There’s a real 1960s pop rock vibe to this with lots of punk rock in the mix, too. We definitely get some space rock later in the tune, too.
Victrola Time
I love the keyboard groove that opens this one. It definitely has a space rock vibe and there’s a real driving beat. Hawkwind is definitely a valid reference point here.
More of a noisy, harder rocking tune, this still has the punk meets space rock vibe intact.
I love the driving rhythm section of this. It’s got a real punk rock meets jam band and space element to it. It gets pretty heavy.
Jam Song
Starting with keyboards as the backdrop, this works into more bizarre music as it continues. This is among the most freeform and strange things here. For me, it’s a little too weird.
There’s a cool rocking groove to this thing. It has a lot going on over the top of that backing, making it one of the coolest pieces here. It’s definitely got a lot of space rock in the mix.
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