Darryl Way
 Ultra Violins
 Review by Gary Hill

Is this progressive music? Yes. Is it progressive rock? I don’t know. Certainly the last song is. Overall, this is more classical than anything else, but there are prog elements here in there. Also, since Darryl Way has worked in Curved Air, he qualifies as a prog artist for the purposes of MSJ. No matter how it’s categorized, though, this is a great album. I really like it a lot. Based on the title, one would assume that violins would dominate this album. The thing is, it’s more of a group effort. Sure, violin features prominently, but these pieces aren’t arranged to be violin showcases. Instead, the song itself is the star, with the instruments all adding to the full experience. That’s the way it should be. For the most part that instrumentation is all symphonic, but there are some rock instruments here.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2013 Volume 5 at lulu.com/strangesound.