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Non-Prog CD Reviews


Magazine (Limited Edition Hybrid SACD version)

Review by Gary Hill

Magazine was an unusual album. It was originally released without the band’s permission. Those copies were recalled, though. The disc got some remixing and alterations and was released with permission. Now, this new audiophile version comes out and sounds incredible. The mix of hard rock, ballads and a lot of progressive rock elements is about perfect on this. The new sound (this whole series is great) works well. I’d recommend this to Heart fans both casual and hardcore. It’s a great album and a great edition of that great album.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2014  Volume 3 at

Track by Track Review

Starting with a melodic, almost jazzy introduction, this launches out into a riff-driven rocker that’s quite cool. The mid-track excursion shows off a bit more of that jazz sound along with some progressive rock.

Devil Delight
There is a slow riff driven structure to this and some real crunch. In fact, it’s not that far removed from heavy metal in some ways. Yet, there is a mellow, melodic section in the middle of the song lending variety here. That’s always been a trademark of the best Heart music, that contrast between heavy and light. It works quite well in general and especially well here. The guitar solo section on this starts in almost metallic fashion and then they take it out into a movement that’s almost progressive rock. I love the stereo separation on the screamed section at the end.
Just the Wine

A different form of contrast, this is a ballad with lots of strings. While it’s not the best cut here, it creates a nice breather. It’s a pretty tune.

Without You
I’ve always loved this ballad, no matter who does it. That said, I think Heart’s version might be my favorite. They pack so much emotion into it. It’s so powerful.

I’d say they picked the right song for the title track. This is a potent number with a lot of variation and changes. It’s got rocking movements, mellower ones and is another that’s quite proggy. Some of the vocal arrangements here are among the best and this has some great music, too. It’s a real winner that’s classic Heart. I really love the instrumental jam later in this extensive number.

Here Song

This song is very short (just over a minute and a half). It’s a pretty ballad with strings and a great vocal arrangement.

Mother Earth Blues

Starting off in an old school, stripped back blues sound, after a verse this grows out to electrified blues. The harmonica on this is a great touch. So is the side-trip into “You Shook Me All Night Long.”

I've Got The Music In Me

Another cover tune, Heart deliver a soulful version that’s just great. This live rendition might be my favorite performance of this song, too.

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