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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Simon Adams

Simon Adams

Review by Gary Hill

This is quite a tasty set. It’s not Earth-shattering or particularly original or innovative. It contains four pop songs that are just extremely well done. This is pretty standard singer/songwriter informed modern pop rock. While in terms of style, it’s pretty generic, the performance and the song-writing are both strong enough to make this really work. I’d love to hear more from this artist.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2014  Volume 3 at

Track by Track Review
A Beautiful Way

Although guitar is the key instrument as this opens, the melody reminds me of classic Elton John. The vocals are closer to the modern alternative rock tinged singer songwriter category, though. This is very accessible and very tasty. It’s a great choice to open the set.

Our Man
I like the soulful vocal delivery on this tune. The arrangement is a little less lush. It’s got more of a rock sound, although it’s a slow number.
Born To Change the World
This is more energized than the previous two songs. Otherwise it’s set in much the same pop rock musical style. It’s a great tune, but everything here is great, really.
Point and Shoot
Arguably the most accessible tune here, this is set pretty much purely in the modern alternative rock based pop sound. It’s catchy and energized and a real winner.
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