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Non-Prog CD Reviews


Angels & Animals

Review by Gary Hill

Apparently this is the third set from these guys. I have to admit that I’ve not heard them before. These guys aren’t creating anything Earth shattering in terms of originality. They are, however, creating some smoking hot, raunch and roll. This borders on metal, but doesn’t quite cross into it. It’s got a good balance from slower and more melodic and fast and furious. This is great stuff.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2014  Volume 5 at

Track by Track Review

This hard rocker is catchy. It’s got a lot of energy. It has some Godsmack along with some Brutal Planet era Alice Cooper. Yet, the hooks are even more accessible. This is nearly metal in terms of crunch, too.

Start All Over
More rock and roll, this seems to merge Guns ‘N Roses with Alice in Chains and Skid Row to me. The mid-section rocks extremely hard and would land it under “metal” if the whole set was like that.
There’s a lot of GNR in this one, too. It’s another screamer. This one is pretty much a metal tune. It’s raw and fun.
A melodic power ballad, this still has plenty of crunch built into it.
Frantic hard rock, this is very much like a glam rock jam. It’s another screamer.
Till I Forget My Name
The rocking groove this is particularly tasty. It’s a good tune.
Modern alternative rock is the basic idea behind this melodic number. It’s another cool piece. The guitar solo really screams.
This is another power ballad. The only thing is, more of it remains in the mellow ballad territory than on “Alive.” It does rock out very hard at times, though.
Sexy Thang
We’re back into seriously hard rocking territory. This is another meaty song.
More of a melodic rocker, we get both hard edged and mellower sections on this cut. The guitar solo is another particularly effective one.
They saved the most interesting tune for last. This is another that alternates between hard rock and mellower sounds. The arrangement is more diverse than the others and even flirts with progressive rock at times.
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