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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Ape Men


Review by Gary Hill

This is unusual, but also quite effective. There is a definite punk rock edge, but a lot of electronic music here, too. The closest comparison would be to Devo, but that is only so close to fitting. Whatever you call this, though, it’s catchy, a bit odd, and very compelling.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2015  Volume 2 at

Track by Track Review

Imagine merging Devo with The Ramones and some modern electronic artists. You’d probably be somewhere in the neighborhood of this song. It has a lot of energy and a great groove. Given the strangeness of it, it’s surprisingly catchy.

Bye-Bye Devil
Even more electronic, this is more like Devo in a lot of ways. It’s fun and a nice change from the first tune.
Up Is the New Bottom
Slower and computer like, Devo comes to mind here, too.

Even more punky, this is still quite electronic, too. It has a real groove, even though the arrangement seems a little stripped back. It gets into some more rocking sounds in the later segments.

Zero Pictionary
The first part of this is a weird purely electronic thing. It takes us into killer electronic groove from there. Guitar brings it into more rocking territory later.
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