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Progressive Rock CD Reviews

Might Could

Relics from the Wasteland

Review by Gary Hill

The acoustic music here might not be the most obvious choice for progressive rock inclusion. I’d say that it’s definitely where it belongs, though. Sure, it might come up a little short on the rock end of the equation, but this is definitely progressive music. At various points I’m reminded of California Guitar Trio and King Crimson, and they even cover a Jethro Tull song. Whatever you call it, though, this is great stuff.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2015  Volume 2 at

Track by Track Review
That's a Malört

I love the bass line that starts this jam. The whole cut is driving, melodic and intricate. It’s also extremely effective. This is a great way to start things in the right way. It has elements of classical and jazz music. Yet, more than anything else it’s acoustic instrumental progressive rock.

There is a lot of energy built into this. It doesn’t sacrifice melody or intricacy to achieve that, though. It’s another great acoustic based piece. The mellow section at the end is particularly pretty.
Forty Flights
This number has much more of a rock vibe. Still, it gets world music an other elements added to the mix.
There is no major change here. Instead we get another great rocking instrumental cut.
Trials of Cromulence
I really love the energy and changes on this one. It’s part jazz, part prog and even has a little psychedelia in the mix.
The Camels Make the Rules
World music and jazz seem to merge here. This is quite intricate and dynamic. It’s also very compelling.
La Hojarasca
This definitely has a lot of world music in the mix. It gets into some pretty unusual progressive rock territory, too, though. It’s a killer rocker that works quite well.
Crab Recess
With a child’s voice introducing this, it’s a slower cut. It’s dramatic and quite beautiful.
Medea's Dance of Vengeance
There is definitely a valid comparison to be made to King Crimson on this cut. It’s the most unusual number here. It’s also dramatic and powerful.
Although there are no huge changes here, this is an energetic rocker that works quite well.
For Ellie
This has the sounds of somewhat scratchy record. The music is like an old time jam. It’s part jazz and part rhythm and blues.
Songs from the Wood
Here is a cover of Jethro Tull. This is recognizable in terms of the melodies, but also quite different. It almost seems like what it might sound like if California Guitar Trio tackled it.
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