Track by Track Review
Cries from the Inner Marshland
Weird sound effects and trippy music make up the concept as this starts. It’s a space rock meets psychedelic rock instrumental. |
Termination Station Grey Although this is more psychedelic rock than anything else, it also has some progressive rock in the mix. It fits pretty well under space rock, too. It’s quite a cool song however you label it, though. |
Window Eye In some ways I’m reminded of Syd Barrett era Pink Floyd. I love the backwards tracked stuff here. |
Once More A weird little bit of theatrical monologue starts this. From there it launches out into a killer space rock jam. This reminds me just a bit of Hawkwind. Then it dissolves to psychedelia with a poetry reading. From there it works out to a space rock meets psychedelic jam that’s a lot of fun. As this continues beyond the vocal section there is some seriously crazy guitar soloing. |
Defoliation Part One Echoey and atmospheric, this is trippy stuff. Even though it’s atmospheric in terms of the background, it’s also noisy and a bit unsettling. |
Reflections In a Tall Mirror This space rocker definitely makes me think of Hawkwind a lot of ways. It’s one of the most straightahead numbers and a captivating one. |
Hey Mr. Undecided Now, this number really makes me think of Syd Barrett era Pink Floyd. It’s a great tune. |
I've Got Eyes In the Back of My Head And, this rocker is another that’s quite a bit like Hawkwind. It’s hard rocking and more pure rock, but there is enough space music here to keep it in that genre. There are some weird bits of echoey spoken voice later and then noises. |
Minsmere Sphagnum Some weird processed dialog starts this. Then piano enters to create a rather odd little melody. This is just a short little bit of strangeness. |
Mediaeval Sienese Acid Blues Psychedelia, space rock and blues all mix here. It’s a cool rocking tune. |
Defoliation Part Two There is a little clip from the 1960s Batman television series at the start of this. That leads to a pretty mainstream, folk psychedelic rock piece. Around the two minute mark, though, it explodes out into noisy, chaotic space music. The folk sounds, with another clip from Batman, returns at the end. |
Walking in the Lady's Garden The first of several bonus tracks on this edition of the album, this comes in quite pretty and prog oriented. This piece is intricate and quite spacey. It’s actually one of the best numbers here. |
Slave This instrumental merges progressive rock and space rock quite well. It has some great melodic guitar soloing. |
Run at the Sun There are elements of Hawkwind here. It also has more straight psychedelic rock in the mix. It’s an energized and rocking tune.The mellow section mid-track is quite trippy. the instrumental section later in the track really has a lot of progressive rock built into it. |
Parapsynquiry Another hard rocker, this is more pure psychedelia, but with some punk in the mix. It’s fun, but not as strong as some of the rest here. |
Great Mistake Folk and psychedelic rock are the main culprits on this final number. It’s not one of my favorites here, but it is a bonus track.
Solid Vimto Here is a hard rocking jam that’s a cool instrumental. I really like the organ soloing on this.