Bunny Clogs Whales Can’t Whistle Review by Gary Hill
A lot of times music that’s intended for kids doesn’t work well for adults. Well, I’ll say that this might not be your favorite album, but it is a lot of fun, really. This is quite an entertaining set no matter your age.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2015 Volume 3 at lulu.com/strangesound.
Track by Track Review
A Platypus Named Amethyst (Animal Kingdom)
A tribal percussion opens this. The cut works out from there into an energized world music meets catchy pop sound. I love some of the vocal arrangement on this. The horn sounds are great, too.
Jumpy the Spider More electronic, this is energized and fun. It feels a bit jazz like. This tune has some rapping in it.
Squid Guy Bouncy and yet a bit strange and spacey, this is a good song, but not as effective as the two previous ones. Still, the “squid” part is catchy.
My Identity This is the most mainstream and catchy piece so far. It’s a great little pop tune.
Hugey the Toad Based on Spanish music complete with Spanish guitar and horns, this is another fun one.
Whales Can't Whistle More of a stripped down jam, this is mostly spoken.
Naked Mole Rat A jazzy soulful groove, this is more fun. It segues straight into the next number.
That Nudibranch is A Nudist This is just a short little reggae based jam that has some tuned percussion.
Blimpsoz The Sea Pig Another short one, this is more of a rocker.
Beetle Mania Appropriately (or not) this number about Beetles sounds like early Beatles. It’s fun.
Amelia's Pizza Here’s a bouncy little piano based tune. It’s fun. It gets into more of a full rock arrangement after the first section.
Capybara This tune is a lot of fun. It has a lot of jazz, some reggae and more in the mix. It’s another that has a lot of bounce to it. It also has one of the catchiest vocal sections of the whole disc.
Echidna Print This piece is basically a hip hop number. It’s fun, if a bit overproduced at points.
We're Related Set in sort of a slow reggae groove, this is song about evolution.
Jellyfish Plays Jenga I love the jazzy kind of sound to this. It’s a rather funny song, too.
The funky groove on this is cool. The vocal arrangement doesn’t work as well for me.
Skinny Chicken This is just a short little number combining world music and folk.
Nightly Night An instrumental, this serves as a reasonably effective closer.