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Non-Prog CD Reviews

The Shams

One and All

Review by Gary Hill

Celtic rock with a punk element seems to be almost a cliché. The thing is, it works well. These guys are based on that same premise and they do some great music within the genre. I’ll be adding this to my Irish music playlist for sure.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2015  Volume 3 at

Track by Track Review
Sunset Paddy's

There is punk and roots rock in the mix here. It’s an energized rocker with a little bit of Irish sound to it. What it is, more than anything else, is a fun rocker. I really love some of the instrumental work later, and how it brings the Celtic elements to play.

Go on Home Boys
The percussion section starts us out here. From there the cut works out to sort of an alternative rock piece with definite Celtic sound in the mix.
Not Bothered
This is a mellower, more melodic tune. There is still some rock and Celtic in the mix, but it’s almost jazz really. The instrumental section has some killer fiddle playing.
One and All
The title track really does have a lot of Celtic sound built into it. It’s a killer rocker. This is so traditional, but traditional Irish American rock. While the sound might be almost clichéd, this cut works exceptionally well.
Drinks Are on Me
Even more Irish in style and delivery, I love the vocals on this rocker. This is a really fun party song. The fiddle really adds a lot to this. It’s a safe bet this cut will be on many a “Saint Patty’s Day” play list.
Sick To Death
More high energy Celtic rock, this is a lot of fun, too. I love Irish partying music, and this fits into that category. It definitely earns a parental advisory on the lyrics. I’d say it earns a “check this out” advisory on the guitar solo, too. It’s a great closer.
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