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Progressive Rock CD Reviews


A Church, On a Boat, In the Sea

Review by Gary Hill

The mix of sounds here is pretty crazy. There are things on offer from jazzy elements to pure progressive rock, space rock, alternative rock based stuff and more. The mix of sounds, really can’t land anywhere but prog as far as I’m concerned. I like this quite. I’d say of the two EPs I have from these guys, I probably prefer this one. It’s close, though.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2015  Volume 4 at

Track by Track Review

There is so much jazz on this killer number. There are some great changes and this is distinctly prog rock, although of the modern, rather alternative rock based type. There is an instrumental segment mid-track that’s pure prog. They drop it back from there into more of a mainstream alternative rock arrangement.

Pre Game
More of a mainstream jam band meets alternative rock piece, this is one of the most straightforward things from this act. I like it, but it’s not a favorite. It’s not quirky enough for me.
The Game
I love this song. It’s got some great changes. It has a jam band turned jazzy sound to it. The bass line is exceptional. So is the vocal arrangement. This is a highlight. The more rocking movement at the end is both particularly proggy and especially effective.
Roberta Sparrow

What an amazing tune this is. It starts with a harder rocking movement that’s pretty much like the rest of the things we’ve heard so far here. We’re taken into a keyboard heavy mellower movement later, though. For me that section really makes it.


They saved the best for last. This has some jam band elements in it. Overall, though, it seems that jazzy sound merges with space rock. This is pure progressive rock in so many ways. It’s also magic. It’s probably my favorite piece from either of the two EPs from this act.

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