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The Perc Meets the Hidden Gentlemen – Chainsmoker’s Thrill / Rumble on the Beach – Purple Rain (live) - Vinyl Single

Review by Gary Hill

This is a new split single release. It’s on white vinyl and limited to 500 copies. I don’t really see the two songs fitting together all that well, but it’s still a cool thing. I really like the “A Side,” but then again I dig that band. The flip is not nearly as successful to me. It would be easy to say that the label is cashing in on Prince’s death, but given the turn-around usually associated with pressing demands of vinyl, I’d bet this has been in the works for a while. Besides, if that were the case, you’d think they would have made the cover song the first side.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2016  Volume 3 at

Track by Track Review
Side A

The Perc Meets the Hidden Gentlemen – Chainsmoker’s Thrill

This is such a cool tune. It has a lot of psychedelia built into it. The multiple layers of vocals seem to glide and soar, almost unaware of each other. This has space rock built into it. It’s powerful strange prog in a lot of ways. There are things that remind me of Hawkwind, but other aspects that make me think of something like The Cure.

Side B
Rumble on the Beach – Purple Rain (live)
This is pretty strange. Yes, it’s a cover of the Prince song. There are slower mellower parts for the verses. A later one of those includes a nice saxophone solo. The chorus is played like a fast punk rockabilly kind of thing. While this is interesting, I don’t really like it very much.
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