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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Matt Hannah


Review by Gary Hill

There is a lot of folk music here. This has a real singer/songwriter vibe. Add in some country and some Americana along with some rock music, and you'll have a good feel for this. Nothing here is Earth-shattering in terms of originality. However, it's all very well done and effective. It has a tendency to be a bit "samey," but really it's not an issue.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017  Volume 2 at
Track by Track Review

A folk styled tune, this is quite pretty. It's slow moving and mellow. It's also lush and yet intimate.

Broken Hearts and Broken Bones
More of a rocker, this has folk and lots of classic rock and roll in the mix.
I love the pretty picked guitar on this cut. It's quite country based. It's also very effective and compelling.
Banks of the Mississippi
This is another mellow folk meets country styled tune. It's a nice "slice of life" tune.
Set Free
Here we get more of a rocking country styled cut. This is classy for sure, and a nice bit of variety.
The Night is My Home
One of the slowest and mellowest cuts here, this is pretty and strong. It's actually one of my favorite songs here. It has some great Americana built into it.
Different Kind of Light

Still mid-tempo, this is a bit more of a rocker. It has a lot of country in the mix, but there is some blues here, too.

Something in the Air

There are almost some proggy, space elements built into this one. It's an intriguing mellow, slower cut.

Here we have a rocking number that has a lot of classic Americana in the build. It makes good use of contrast between rocking and mellower stuff.
Morning Song

Another mellow, folky piece of music, this is more classy stuff.

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