Russ Still and the Moonshiners Still Cookin' Review by Gary Hill
This is a cool set of songs. As someone who came of age in the 1970s, this really demonstrates how musical labels have changed over the years. This is considered country music today. In the 1970s acts like this were considered rock music. Sure, there was a country edge, but it was all rock. A classic example is the fact that The Eagles are apparently considered a country act these days. I think that it all comes from the emergence of a type of country music that's really just pop music with a twang. Once you accept that as country, the whole spectrum shifts toward more things being included. The thing is, if you like country music, you will probably like this quite a bit. If you like bands like The Marshall Tucker Band, The Outlaws and 38 Special you should love this.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017 Volume 3 at