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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Channel K

Super Queen

Review by Gary Hill

This outfit is essentially a female fronted new wave band, harkening to an earlier time. Yet, there are modern elements here. There are also bits of glam rock (the old school stuff, not the glam metal). For me the vocals seem to not completely gel, but they work well enough. All in all, this is a solid set, but it could have benefited from a bit more variety in the middle of it.


This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017  Volume 4 at

Track by Track Review
Super Queen

Keyboards open this. They move out from there into a rubbery kind of groove. The vocals remind me a lot of Debbie Harry. The opening section of this cut leaned toward prog rock, but the tune is closer to the new wave style of music. It really does feel like what a combination of a keyboard based band merged with Blondie would probably sound like. There are some crunchy guitar sections later in the tune, too. The guitar solo section brings it into metallic and punk territory. The closing bit is definite along the lines of metal.

Forbidden Misery

Again, the keys begin this, hinting at a proggy element. The cut grows from there into more of a slower moving new wave sound for the vocal section. There are some shifts on  this, and it gets more energy later. I like this, but not as much as I liked the first cut.

Moving On

While there are keys on the intro to this number, they are not the driving factor. This is a mid-tempo number that's not a big change from the previous cut. It's not bad. It's just not something that really stands out, particularly coming after the previous piece. I think that both of them would have been able to shine better if "Super Queen" had been placed between them to mask the similarities. Still, the cool fast paced section later works really well and elevates this to a good degree.


I dig the bass line that opens this a lot. As keyboards come in over the top of that, this becomes something completely different than anything else here. There is a bit of a funky edge to it. It eventually gets into more familiar territory, but the hard edged stuff puts this one over the top. I suppose it's good that they opened and closed with the two strongest pieces, but that put the two that were the most similar together.

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