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Progressive Rock CD Reviews

Gary Wilson

Let's Go to Outer Space

Review by Gary Hill

When you decide to listen to a Gary Wilson album, you have an idea what to expect. His music is always electronically based, off-kilter weirdness. It's the kind of thing that lands near to pop music, but with an odd twist. That's exactly what we get in this installment. There is something to be said for consistency. Perhaps his stuff doesn't fit under prog rock, but it probably doesn't fit anywhere else, either. It's certainly avant-garde.


This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017  Volume 5 at

Track by Track Review
Back to Where I Belong

This weird cut feels like Frank Zappa meets 1950s science fiction movie music with some B-52s in the mix.

Gary Kissed a Mannequin
Bouncy and fun, this still has that electronic space weirdness built into it. Again, I'm reminded of Zappa.
Lost in a Mystery
Another bouncy little number, this is fun and has plenty of the science fiction sound over the top of it.
Gary Feels Cool
Energetic and entertaining there is a good chunk of adult contemporary sound in the mix here. This is goofy, but interesting.
Weird World, Pt. 1

This is named quite well, as it is a cacophonous bit of jazzy instrumental strangeness.

You're the Girl from a Magazine
I like the vocal arrangement on this. It's another bouncy, fun cut. It's more mainstream than some of the rest. It's also more effective.
She's the Girl from Mars
Zappa merges with a bouncy lounge music sound on this fun little number.
Let's Go on a Walk Tonight
Here we get another fun number. This is less based on that science fiction element.
I'm Not Ashamed
There is not a big change here. Instead, this is more of the same kind of bouncy, goofy, electronic based sound.
I Want to Cry
No big surprises here, I like the instrumental section on this a lot. It has some cool keyboard soloing.
Weird World, Pt. 2
Again, this freeform jarring instrumental cut is well named.
Let's Go to Mars

This is a fun number that's well connected to the basic stuff we've heard throughout most of this set.

My Beautiful Wife Walked Away
There is no big change here. This is more of the same.
My Pretty Little Space Girl

This is full of science fiction weirdness.

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