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Progressive Rock CD Reviews



Review by Gary Hill

This is an intriguing CD. It's one track that is almost 34 minutes long. This is a reissue of a digital only release. This is quite electronic and very much space music. It has a lot of trippy sounds and is an entertaining (if bizarre) ride from start to finish.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2018  Volume 2 at

Track by Track Review
Rising up very gradually, electronic sounds begin to modulate in a synthetic way. There is an almost random, inhuman vibe to this sound, but it remains quite sedate, other than short bursts of louder elements. It gets a bit more melodic as it continues to evolve. Some freeform jazz things and more emerge as this continues to grow later in the number. This doesn't change quickly, but the change is nearly constant. It really gets into some seriously space music type stuff as it continues. It gets quite intense as it drives forward later, but then drops back to more of a jazz turned weird space music section around the half-way mark. There are some spoken loops that show up as this starts to build back out from there. After building up for a while, it drops way down again. Then a processed voice that makes me think just a bit of a Dalek is heard. Odd bits of effects and other sounds emerge as that continues and this works into more of a pure space noise kind of thing. More weird voice samples, some sped, some slowed down and some that are variable, come into the mix. By around the 24 minute mark there is a spoken loop that almost becomes a percussive instrument for a while. A keyboard also accompanies. When that voice loop drops away another comes in acting as a percussive thing for a bit. It drops out quickly, though and the cut shifts to some space rock jamming that makes me think of early Pink Floyd in a lot of ways. There is some seriously intense drumming built into it. By around the 28 minute mark the music drops back and more spoken loops emerge and take control. Before the twenty line minute mark, though, some cool rocking sound enters to drive a new impetus forward in trippy ways. It eventually makes its way back to some trippy electronics to lend almost a bookend vibe, but some found sound type stuff serves as the actual ending.
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