All Open Eyes
Multiple layers of acapella vocals start this. A short bit of prog that makes me think of early Yes punctuates the line. A pattern of vocals with short instrumental movement at the end holds it for a time. Then they pound out into a jam that's heavy and rather dark. It drives with some seriously rocking textures as they carry onward. Around the minute-and-a-half mark it shifts to a mellower movement to continue. I really like the bass work on that section, but the whole thing is cool. It climbs outward with some killer synthesizer textures from there. As thing continues marching onward there is some soaring electric guitar work that emerges. The whole thing builds to a pounding peak, and then drops away. Piano rises up to fill the emptiness left behind. It paints some intriguing pictures as it does. They eventually bring it back out into a cool, 70s styled progressive rock arrangement for the next vocals. A cool jazzy guitar jam emerges after the vocals end. That section is short, though, and the vocals rejoin afterward. They take it out into another shifting, fast paced, powerhouse prog jam as they continue. References to Yes are definitely appropriate at times along that road. I really love the guitar work that guides much of it through a number of shifts and changes. That section peaks, and then a new mellower but quite dramatic movement rises up to take control. Eventually that modulates to more of a melodic rock treatment for the return of the vocals. Eventually the cut works its way to a hard rocking closing section to end. At nearly 16-minutes, this would be the epic of a lot of discs, here's it's the second-longest track. |