Andrew Neil
 Review by Gary Hill

This is an intriguing set. There are some songs that stand pretty tall. It's not without its issues, though. For one thing, there is a tendency toward being over-produced, in keeping with modern pop. Secondly, it seems to stretch a bit far in terms of musical styles. It ranges from hard rocking alternative to hip hop and modern R&B. I can't really imagine that too many fans of one of those styles would be all that aligned with the others. Still, these days people only listen to a song or two at a time, so they can choose the ones that are in line with their tastes. The other issue is that the vocal performance, despite all the variety here, tends to be a bit samey. That said, the listen to just one song phenomenon will prevent that from becoming an issue. There is often a bit of DIY awkwardness here, particularly in terms of the production, but that's almost more of a charm than any kind failing. All in all, this is interesting and has some solid tunes.
This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) in Music Street Journal: 2019 Volume 6. More information and purchase links can be found at: garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2019.