Parallel Dimension
 Angular Perceptions
 Review by Greg Olma

Life has a strange way of aligning the stars for events to happen. Take for instance, I would not have even heard of Parallel Dimensions if it were not for the fact that Evergrey skipped Houston on their last tour. As fate (or the stars) would have it, I decided to drive to Dallas to catch the Evergrey show. At that show, I met one of the guys from the band, and he offered me a copy of his new CD. Since I write for this publication, I do get discs a lot, but not all of them work into my rotation of music. Angular Perceptions is one of the few albums that not only had me playing the disc almost on a daily basis, but it will definitely make it into my top ten releases of 2019. I hate to always compare bands, but, in my opinion, these guys musically have a lot of Dream Theater influences. There is a heavy keyboard presence, but it doesn’t overpower the music, and the riffs come through loud and clear. The vocals are really good without going to that high falsetto range, which gives it more of a unique sound. Now that Parallel Dimensions is on my radar, I will definitely look forward to any new releases or live shows.
This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) in Music Street Journal: 2019 Volume 6. More information and purchase links can be found at: garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2019.