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Non-Prog CD Reviews


Thunder 'N' Lightning

Review by Gary Hill

This band produces a sound that's blues-rock based. There is quite a bit of range here within that general conceptual zone, though. For me the more rocking tunes work much better than the mellower ones. Still, this is a pretty solid set from start to finish, with only one or two tunes that seem less than stellar. If you dig blues based rock, give this a try.  

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) in Music Street Journal: 2020  Volume 1. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Flipping and Flapping
An old school blues rock vibe is on display here. This is a solid tune, and a good opener. It's a lot of fun.
Whispering Howling Wind
Another blues rocking piece, this is down and dirty and very potent. There is a bit of ripping, almost metallic electric blues edge to this. The guitar work on this thing is purely on fire.
Every Little Thing
Now, with this cut things turn more toward a garage band rock sound. There is a real proto-metal vibe to this thing. It has plenty of old school rock and roll built into it. Of course, it still has plenty of blues in the mix, too. This cut is purely on fire, really.
I Call Home
This slower, more dropped back tune has its charms, but I don't really like it as much as I do the rest of the stuff here. Still, it brings some variety to the table.
Hard Luck Man
More of a punk rock vibe is on display here. It still has plenty of edgy hard rock, too. This is screaming hot. There is some killer guitar work built into it, and it really has so much charm and style. This is one of the pure standouts here.
This punky number reminds me a bit of The Cramps. It has plenty of old-school rock and roll in the mix. The guitar drenched instrumental movement is one of the best passages of the set.
Man on the Mountain
The blues rock sounds on this thing are fuzz-laden and very cool. It's a bit less of a powerhouse, but that doesn't mean it lacks style. The harder rocking stuff further down the road is purely on fire, too.
Dreaming a Dream
This mellower tune doesn't really work for me. I do like the Americana texture it has somewhat, but I'm not crazy about the vocal arrangement on this. If there's a song to skip, I'd say it's this one. It gets more hard rocking later and has some cool instrumental parts, but just misses the mark a bit through much of the piece.
Green Eyed Foolish Man
More of an old-school blues rocker, this has a great sound and groove to it. It's definitely a step back in the right direction. I love the guitar fills on this thing, too.
Thunder and Lightning
This thing just oozes style and cool. It's a hard rocking number with a bit of that Cramps sound built into it. It has some killer blues rock texture, as well. It's one of the highlights of the set.
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