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Progressive Rock CD Reviews

Kosmos (Finland)

Ajan Peili

Review by Gary Hill

There are two bands we've reviewed by this name over the years. This one is from Finland, and all the lyrics are in Finnish, but English translations are included on the lyric sheet. This new album continues to the kind of sound expected from them. It is largely folk music based. The majority of the vocals are female, but there are spoken male vocals on a couple tunes here. I think this might be their most effective set to date. It should be noted that I've also reviewed the vinyl version of the album in this same issue. Since the music is the same from one to another, the reviews are essentially the same review.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) in Music Street Journal: 2020  Volume 3. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Ajan peili
The rather sedate sounds of the opening of this call to mind acts like Genesis in some ways. It drops a mellower concept for the entrance of the vocals. There is a folk prog vibe as it continues from there. It gets more powered up as it continues, but remains on the mellower side.

More of a folk meets pop concept is on display here. This number doesn't wander far, but works pretty well.

Lapsen uni
I like the intricate picked guitar sound on this number. There is a bit of a psychedelic edge to the number along with a definite folk prog concept.
Aina lähellä
Prog and psychedelia merge with the folk rock concepts here. This is another solid number.
Kohti taivasta
Sitar forms the psychedelic trappings as this number opens and works forward. This has some cool pop rock elements on display as it gets into the next movement. It dissolves to trippy space for a bridge, but then comes back out into the song proper before the song is over.
Salainen oppi
Piano brings this into being. The cut works out from there in more of that folk meets prog vein. Some keyboards later bring a more pure prog concept with them.
Trippy musical elements are on display here. The vocal is male and spoken, lending a real space rock vibe. The cut gets into some pretty bizarre and potent zones, reinforcing that space rock element. As the cut moves out beyond that there is a dark, menacing kind of building up process. It feels like music from some weird horror movie in a lot of ways. This is dramatic and powerful. It's also one of my favorite pieces here.
Minä olen
Mellotron along with acoustic guitar creates the musical concept as this starts. This is the epic of the set, running nearly 12 minutes. The vocals come in over the top of this mellow backdrop. After that section works through electric guitar rises up, bringing in a dramatic and powerful harder rocking mode. The synthesizer tempers it. This is another movement that brings a lot of space rock to the mix. The vocals come in over the top of this backdrop. This is one of the most effective sections of the album. There are valid comparisons to be made to Hawkwind. That's even more true of the powerhouse instrumental jam further down the road. There is a drop back to mellower beyond that. The spoken vocals like we heard on the last number are back. The hard rocking movement returns after that runs through.



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