Bass Invaders
 Bass Invaders
 Review by Gary Hill

As you might guess, I hear a lot of new music. It takes a lot to really excite me. Well, this album (which is technically not new, but rather dates back to 2017) did that. Had I heard it the year it was released I am sure it would have made my "best of" list for that year. Of course, I am probably precisely the audience that this appeals to the most. I like experimental, adventurous instrumental music, and I'm a bass player. That second point is important because this band is made up of a drummer and three bassists. If you weren't told that, you might not realize it, though, because a lot of the bass parts on this sound more like guitar. I have to say that I just find this thing to be incredible music that is really unique. It sits musically in a zone that borders on post-prog, fusion, heavy metal and more. For my money, that makes this progressive rock. I should mention that this is not the same as the project I previously reviewed under a similar name that is one word rather than two.
This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2021 Volume 1. More information and purchase links can be found at: garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2021.