Track by Track Review
That Is Rock And Roll Guitar along with nearly spoken vocals creates the opening section of this track. The cut explodes out into more energized music from there, as the singing really rises up. This is a fun romp that makes for a great opener. |
Idol With The Golden Head An old school rock and roller with a vocal focus, this is solid but not as strong as the opener was. |
Yakety Yak This up-tempo rocker is a lot of fun. It's a classic, really. It's a pretty good bet that you've heard this one. |
(Ain’t That) Just Like Me There is almost a surf rock (ala The Beach Boys) sound to this cut. I love the clean guitar solo on the number, and the vocal arrangement is so classy. |
Dance! This is another up-tempo old-school rocker. It's actually quite effective. |
Searchin’ This slower number has more of a pop sound (of that vintage) and less of a rock and roll one. |
Three Cool Cats (Stereo) I love the vocal arrangement and rhythmic groove to this cut. The tune is one of the classiest of the disc. It has a bit of a jazzy angle to the arrangement. |
Down In Mexico I love the vocal arrangement on this tune, too. It's a standout of the set. There is a real jazzy edge to this. |
Stewball There is some great energy here. The tune is a lot of fun. The vocal arrangement really sells it. |
Young Blood I love this song. It's such a cool tune. The saxophone lends some real magic to it, but the whole piece grooves with style. |
Poison Ivy Another classic, this is a great tune. |
Brazil While the vocal arrangement on this is cool, this number doesn't work that well for me. Something just feels a little "off" about it. |
Besame Mucho (part I) I love the super-deep lead vocal line on this tune. The number has a great groove and a lot of charms. |
Run Red Run The fast-paced concept here works so well. It reminds me of Chuck Berry, but with a lot more filled-in vocal arrangement. |
Along Came Jones Another fun classic, this is another standout. |
Turtle Dovin’ A pure doo wop tune, this has some fun rock and roll guitar in the mix. |
Little Egypt (Ying-Yang) This is another catchy old school rocker. |
Ridun' Hood There is a great fast-paced rock and roll meets jazz groove to this tune. It's another fun one. |
What About Us While this isn't a standout, by any means, it's another solid doo wop styled rocker. |
I’m A Hog For You I really like the guitar fills and horn blowing on this tune. It's a fun little rocker. |
Girls Girls Girls (part I) A catchy old-school rock and roller, this is particularly entertaining. |
The Shadow Knows I really like this tune. It's so much fun. This is one of my favorites here. |
Wait A Minute The groove on this is among the classiest of the set. It's got such a catchy vibe. It's a doo wop styled tune that works really well. |
Gee Golly Not a big change or surprise, this is just another fun romp set in the same basic zone. |
Charlie Brown Here's another one that most of the readers should be familiar with. This is another highlight and just a really good time. |
(When She Wants Good Lovin’) My Baby Comes To Me I love the percussion arrangement on this tune. Overall this is a doo wop rock and roller that's effective and solid. |
Sorry, But I’m Gonna Have To Pass The vocal arrangement is the star of this tune. The deep vocal in particular really shines.
Bad Blood The groove on this is so much fun, too. The number is another standout. |
Keep On Rolling The saxophone on this tune really brings some magic. It's not a big departure from much of the rest of the music here beyond that, though. |
Thumbin’ A Ride Some boogie woogie piano is on hand here. This has a cool rock and roll groove and works well. I love the guitar fills, too. |
Teach Me How To Shimmy This is another classy tune. It features some great piano, and really grooves in style. |
Girls Girls Girls (part II) Well, you probably know what this is. It's an entertaining track that makes a strong closer. |