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Progressive Rock CD Reviews

Kali Trio


Review by Gary Hill

The sound of this act is pretty unique. There is a real experimental angle to all of this music. Some of it lands in mellower, more acoustic zones, but then they bring in noisy guitar and ramp things up toward shoegaze music. There are definitely things about this that should resonate with fans of Rock In Opposition. As strange as this is, so much of it is very compelling.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2021  Volume 3. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
There is an electronic kind of vibe as this number gets underway. This evolves very gradually with more elements coming over the top as it continues. There is a shift to noisy, experimental music around the seven-minute mark. This piece runs nearly eleven-and-a-half minutes. It really gets into some trippy territory once it powers up like that. It is decidedly dark, moody and spacey. Hints of shoegaze are in the mix.
I really dig the percussion on this. Then again, the whole track has an experimental air of cool to it, the percussion just catches my ear first. There is a moving energy and some really interesting themes at points. There are some intriguing directional and shifts, and this perhaps lands even closer to the shoegaze school of music than the opener did. There is less range in terms of the contrast between mellower and louder, though.
Dry Soul
Trippy ambient elements bring this into being, and it gradually comes upward from there. This thing turns noisier and considerably dramatic and rather freaky later. There is a percussive movement later in the piece, too.
Folding Space
Nothing here is short (the briefest piece runs over eight minutes), but at almost 15-minutes long, this is the epic of the set. Percussion, largely of the tuned variety, brings this in and holds it in a somewhat low-volume and freeform way. More drumming based percussion emerges at times as this song evolves. After the seven-minute mark it turns to more of an electronic ambient texture. It eventually makes its way to noisier experimental goodness. As strange as this is, it's also very compelling. This is quite spacey and trippy in some ways. Then again, with that title, what else would you expect?
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