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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Mourning Noise

Mourning Noise

Review by Gary Hill

This CD from Mourning Noise gathers up a number of recordings from the early to mid 1980s. The general concept here is hardcore punk, but there are some twists and angles at play. Appropriate for our October issue, there are definitely some horror movie related tracks. The final cuts here are live recordings, and the sound on them is much better than you expect from a hardcore live recording in the 1980s. There is a lot of cool music here.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2021  Volume 5. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
1982 Red Platinum Studio - 7" EP
Dawn Of The Dead

Noisy feedback starts this. The cut fires out from there with a fierce punk rock edge that has plenty of goth in the mix.

Fighting Chance
There is a short bit of goth weirdness at the start of this. The cut fires out into a short, but fierce, hardcore punk stomper from there.
Laser Lights
This is so weird, but also so cool. Imagine combining hardcore punk with psychedelia and surf music. You are in the right neighborhood to find this song.
Demon Eyes
Another with a fuzz-drenched hardcore punk based arrangement, this is goth oriented and classy.
Imagine mixing a hardcore sensibility with Devo. You are probably close to the sound of this stomper.
1981 Blue Moon Studios - Demo
Monster Madness
Noisy hardcore with some old school rock and roll in the mix is the idea here.
Vincent's Theme
Here we get another fierce hardcore stomper. I love the riff on this song.
Underground Zero
Fierce and driving, this instrumental is more smoking hot hardcore.
1984 Red Platinum Studio - unissued LP
Nestle Baby Killer

More brief and frantic hardcore is on the menu here.

Death In a White Cloud
They speed things up even more here. This is exactly what I expect when I hear the term "hardcore."
Crimson Carrie
Not a big change, this is another mean hardcore screamer.
Mr. Surveillance
While this is more of the same, it works well.
Progress For The People
Here's another where I can hear some hints of Devo. Still, this is raw hardcore. I dig the super heavy, dropped down bit at the end.
Monster Madness
Another version of the earlier track, this seems a little like the Ramones to me.
Murder Machine
Brief and furious, this is another that definitely makes me think of Devo.
Empty Grave
Starting with drums, this is vicious hardcore.
Vincent's Theme
Another version of the earlier song, I prefer the other take. This is muddier, that said, the shouted gang chorus on this works well.
Underground Zero
Here we get another alternate take on an earlier track. This is fierce, and there are some vocals on it.
Barbarian Hunt
Pounding, furious hardcore is on the menu here.
1984 Red Platinum Studio - unissued LP outtake

A hardcore punk take on the classic theme song, this is noisy and a lot of fun. It turns into some serious chaos at points.

Monster Madness Version 2
Another alternate take, I think this might be my favorite of the bunch. It's energetic and driving, but also catchy. I particularly like the classic sounding guitar solo.
1985 Red Platinum Studio - outtake
Foolish Grief

I love the dramatic and mean sound of this cut. It has a real classic punk vibe to it and so much style. Keyboards are a nice touch.

Live on WFMU 1982
Progress for the People

This live version is screaming hot. A lot of times hardcore punk live recordings are really sloppy and lo-fi to the point of being unlistenable. That's not the case here. I think I might prefer this version.

Fighting Chance
Drums start this, and the bass brings some funk. Guitar rises up from there. After the introduction, they scream out into frantic hardcore.
Vincent's Theme
This version is driving, mean and so cool.
Laser Lights
Heavy, dramatic and powerful, this is another live winner.
This feels like a hardcore party.
The opening on this is positively psychotic and so cool. They work out to pretty standard hardcore from there. This is another stomper.
Demon Eyes
Another fierce live version, this works well.
This is yet another fierce stomper.
Crimson Carrie
By now you have a pretty good idea of what you are getting here.
Dawn Of The Dead
This powerhouse is all about the George Romero movie.
Monster Madness
This live version of the stomper works really well.
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