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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Melody Duncan

Wolf Song

Review by Gary Hill

This set from Melody Duncan is intriguing. It has a real artsv vibe to it. It's charming, but also unusual. There is a good range of music here from more folk based to more art music and more. I would consider this disc to be pretty unique.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2022  Volume 2. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Acapella vocals are on the menu here. They bring a soaring chorale vibe.
Wolf Song
A slightly wacky arrangement and vocal delivery bring a charm to this. The cut has a good energy and a tasty sound. Some classical strings bring something special to the mix.
Mellower and more intimate, some whistling on this track is a nice touch.
Dear Friend
More of a folk song, this is an energetic and effective piece.
Whistling and acoustic guitar open this. It works out to an intricate folk music based number with some symphonic trappings and a lot of emotion.
The symphonic instrumentation really soars on this number. The whole thing works with a lot of style and evocative texture. It's all about folk elements taken to the level of art music. Yet, it's still accessible.
Over the Hill
Another folky tune. this has more of a stripped back arrangement. It serves to make this feel more grounded.
There is sort of a bittersweet vibe to this cut. The lyrics have a bit of a memoir quality to them. The song is gentle and has a slight melancholy edge to it.
Symphonic angles complete the arrangement, but overall this is another folk based number with some art music tendencies.
 really like the drama and groove of this song a lot.
Rain Storm
This "song" is just the gentle sounds of a rain storm.
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