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Non-Prog CD Reviews

The Poppermost

Hits to Spare

Review by Gary Hill

I have to admit at the beginning of this review, I didn't get the Beatles for many years and I still don't really get the early years of the band. I mention that because this group's sound seems to be probably 80 to 90 percent based on the output of that band's earliest albums. So, while I can appreciate the poppy nature here, it does wear a little thin after a while, and I wouldn't consider myself a big fan of this album. If, however, you were a devotee of the early Fab Four stuff and still love it, you will probably feel right at home here.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2022  Volume 6. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Egg And Chips
There is some serious old school rock and roll on the menu here. While this has some early Beatles angles in place, the song is a little edgier. It's fun stuff.
Yes It's True
Now the Beatles things are the only element left here. It wouldn't be too hard to imagine that the Fab Four did this sound in 1964 or 65.
One Of Those Gerrllss
I like this one a lot. It's bouncy, Beatles-like a fun.
Can't Take That Away
Not a big change, this has a cool shuffling groove. It also has some tasty guitar soloing.
Call To Me
There is a doo wop angle to this cut. It's a slow tempo piece. It's perhaps less Beatles-like but still in the general neighborhood.
Goodnight Georgia Peach
Much more of a rocking tune, this is fun. Stuff again, it's more in the general zone of the Beatles while not really sounding like them. This has a rawer edge to it in some ways and some really vintage sounding guitar work.
Cry For Another
This bouncy tune is more Beatles-like.
Hits To Spare
There is a strange little introductory weirdness on this. They jump into another Beatles-based sound from there.
In & Out
This is very catchy. I love the harmonies, and overall this is another that feels very much like The Beatles.
Get It Down
An acoustic based tune, this is another fun one.
Laziest Fella In The Realm
This really does feel like the energized side of early Beatles. The guitar solo has a lot of old school rock and roll charm.
Park And Ride
Another with plenty of the Beatles angle in place, this is solid, but the formula is starting to wear a little thin.
What A Wonderful Love
I like this one well enough. The percussion arrangement is interesting. Again, this feels a little samey, though.
Well I Will
This seems to bring it all back home because this is one of the least Beatles-like things here. By that I mean that it still has plenty of Fab Four leanings, but it is also edgier. There are some hints of things like Booker T. and The MGs, too. It's a fun tune and brings some needed variety to close the disc.
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