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Progressive Rock CD Reviews

Reuter Motzer Grohowsky


Review by Gary Hill

This instrumental set is intriguing and powerful. It's got plenty of King Crimson-like sound built into it, but there are also hints of space music, fusion, jam band stuff and more here. The most frequent comparison is to King Crimson, but this is a different animal than that, too. It's an intriguing set that really paints some cool sonic pictures.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2023  Volume 2. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
This rises up gradually with both a buzzing, noisy element and some spacey melodies matched with driving percussion. The track begins to explore like that, working through some rather King Crimson-like heaviness. This thing gets very crazed and noisy as it continues to explore the sonic landscape available. At nearly 11-and-a-half minutes, that is quite a bit of territory to cover.
A mellower concept is in place as this gets going. It's intricate and intriguing. There is a folk music angle to it, but it's also decidedly exploratory progressive rock. It does gets more intense as it continues, and there are freeform fusion elements at play along with plenty of that Crimsonian thing.
Ambient elements rise up to start this. It is a noisy sort of unsettling textural tapestry. This gradually gets into more driving, rocking zones.
Mellow trippiness is on display as this comes in with spacey textures. This beast eventually gets very heavy and very crazed with some killer King Crimson like vibes. At 14-and-a-half minutes long, this is the epic of the set. It works through quite a bit of territory along the road. This gets dark and menacing before it's over.
Oracle Chamber
Coming in fuzz-drenched, echoey and slow, This thing gets really crazed and driving before it's over.
This reminds me of a Grateful Dead space jam as it gets underway. It eventually turns toward the more frantic and even more crazed zones.
Free in the Now
Feeling a little more open and jam band like, this has some cool energy and a bit of a groove to it.
Externalities of the Truest Universality
While this isn't any kind of big change, it's also not like the rest. These pieces all occupy a lot of the same territory, but they are also unique. I really dig the spacey, trippy nature of this.
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