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Progressive Rock CD Reviews

Ted Kooshian


Review by Gary Hill

A lot of times these jazz releases are not tight fits under progressive rock, but manage to be squeezed in. Such is the case here. There is enough experimental, fusion-like sound here for me to make that call on the disc. I mean, I generally fit fusion under prog, along with art music. So, it's not a big stretch. That said, there is quite a bit of more traditional jazz here. However you categorize this, it's strong.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2023  Volume 2. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
While there is a fun mainstream jazz concept at the heart of this groove, there are parts that convey a sense of danger and experimental nature. This runs through all kinds of twists and turns along the road. It's a powerhouse. I really dig the bass showcase section. The closing movement really brings a more dangerous sound to it;.
A more laid back, bluesy jazz concept is at the heart of this tune. This gets more intense and driving further down the road. This has some great instrumental interplay and killer old-school jazz sound built into it. The closing movement on this thing is so powerful.
Sparkplug - She Came to Play
The piano solo that starts this is fierce and tastefully weird and freeform in nature. It holds the piece alone for the first minute or so. Then other instruments join, and it transitions into something more along the lines of mainstream jazz. This gets so crazed and powerful before it's over.
I dig the melodic jazz concepts at the heart of this as it gets going. I love the bass showcase later in the track so much. The track is a reworking of the classic number from "West Side Story."
Martial drumming gets this track underway. There is a punching, driving jazz concept at play from there. This eventually turns to more of a swinging melodic jazz groove. It gets rather raucous at times. There is a killer bass section later in the track here, and this works through a number of tasty twists and turns.
This powerhouse gets really crazed and experimental and freeform in nature. It's on fire. It's dangerous. It's also driving and so cool.
Hymn for Her
We get a tune with vocals here. This has a real jazz ballad vibe to it. It works well, but is less my kind of thing than the rest of the music here is. There is some solid soloing mid-track, but overall this just doesn't have the same energy or magic for me.
Desert Island Tracks
Another potent jam, this has great energy and groove. This turns decidedly fierce at times, really driving with some fury and magic.
Space Train
There is a tasty jazz arrangement as this track gets underway. The other instruments eventually drop away leaving the drums alone to solo for a time. Then the rest come back in to continue the jazz exploration. It builds out into some crazed territory for a while later. There is some cool drama brought by some piano work further down the musical road here.

 This song has an amazing retro funk groove to it. For some reason I'm reminded of Stevie Wonder just a little. This is a powerhouse that is so unusual and so tasty. This has some absolutely killer jamming in place. The whole tone and concept of this is amazing. The piece is without question one of my favorites here. This definitely gets into fusion territory. The violin at times brings a bit of a Jean-Luc Ponty element to the piece.

This is a tasty jazz groove. There are some hints of the "Star Trek" theme type music heard in the mix here. It's less a direct quote and more just the general spacey sound effect. Then again, given the title, what do you expect?


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