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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Patrick & Daniels

Good Vibes

Review by Gary Hill

Here we have an outfit focused on acoustic music. The fact that's it's vocals dominated, makes it feel a bit like a throw-back to bygone eras. The incorporation of funk, soul, blues and country reinforces that. Yet, there is a modern angle here, too. Overall, I'd say that every song works well, but as a whole it does tend to feel a little samey at times. Still, so many people just listen to a song or two from an artist at a time these days, so I'm not sure how relevant that is.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2023  Volume 3 More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Cruisin' for a Groovin' (feat. Justin Maki)
I love the cool acoustic funk groove that gets things going here. Those whole tune really does have a great groove. The vocals don't work as well for me as the music does, but the multiple lines of varying lines is interesting. This earns a minor parental advisory.
Good Vibes (feat. Justin Maki)
Acoustic guitar based jazz is on the menu here. The vocal arrangement has more of a classic sound to it. As strong as the opener was, I think I prefer this to it. The vocal arrangement is definitely complex and multi-layered.
She's Just Not That Into You (feat. Justin Maki)
Mostly vocal driven, this still has some funk built into it. It's another acoustic tune that works well.
It's Hard to Leave the Love of Your Life
There is a bluesy angle to this. The cut is one of the best here. It works so well. The vocal arrangement is less complex, but the number really is very effective.
There are hints of country and blues on this tune. The guitar really sells the song.
I'm Allowed to Dream
Jazzy and artsy, this is a fun romp. It's not a big change, but it works well.
New Years
More of an energized soft rock tune, this is another solid cut.
Somebody (feat. Alexandra Rodgerson)
A mellower, more stripped back tune, as with a lot of the rest here, much of this is about the vocals. This has a duet and some hints of country music built into it. I really do love the acoustic guitar intricacies on this.
Working Mans Blues
This might be my favorite song here. We get some driving acoustic blues. The guitar picking is on fire, and the vocals rise to the occasion, too. This is just so cool. It has a definite bluegrass angle to it.
When You Play the Blues (feat. Justin Maki)
There is a soulful vibe to this tune. Beyond that, it's not a big change from the rest of the set.
Worth a Try (Bonus Track)
An impassioned vocal line is delivered over an inspired guitar part.
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