Track by Track Review
Fanny Mae There is a real early 60s party rock vibe to this tune. Think of bands like The Kingsmen. It's a driving tuned drenched in organ playing. It has a garage band vibe going on, too. Of course, the Kingsmen reference certainly implies that. |
Peppermint Twist -part I There is more 50s rock and roll in the mix here. I dig the horn playing, and the tune rocks pretty well. It does have some organ that gets prominent at times, though. The guitar solo is classic. |
Mother Goose Twist The saxophone solo on this is great. I like this old-school rock and roller more than either of the two tracks that preceded it. It's a lot of fun. |
Shimmy Baby -part I Another old-school rock and roller packed with style, the two things that stand out the most for me are the piano and bass work. This is another effective tune. |
Speak Up Mambo The lyrics here are in Spanish. The cut has a bouncy sort of vaguely Latin groove at play. It's a nice change of pace and a fun romp. |
Leave My Woman Alone A driving rocker with a prominent organ presence, this has some bluesy elements at play. While it's not bad, I don't think it's at the level of much of the other material here. |
Slippin' And Slidin' This energized rocker is a little raw here, but in a good way. It definitely feels like party rock and roll. |
Crazy Love A bouncy sort of doo-wop styled tune, the horn playing is a nice touch on this. |
C.C. Rider They put in a cool rendition of this old chestnut. It's a lot of fun. |
Everytime (I Think About You) -part I Here we get another energized rock and roller. This isn't anything all that special, but it's fun. |
Will You Love Me Tomorrow This version of the old classic tune is a faithful, but a little "busy" take on it. It's again not bad, but not all that great, either. |
Goin' Back To My Hometown This old-school rock groove works well. It's not any kind of mold-shattering thing, but it's fun. |
Just Walking In The Rain Mellower, and more contemporary pop-oriented, I'm not all that crazy about this one, but the saxophone solo is on fire. |
Wing Ding This is basically an instrumental, with only incidental vocals used more as punctuation. It's also a fun 1960s rock romp. This is one of my favorite tracks here. |
Shout -part I I've always loved this energetic rocker, and they put in a strong rendition. This is just plain fun. It's definitely party music, and another highlight. |
What Kind Of Love Is This This is more of a doo-wop styled ballad. That said, it doesn't have all that many backing vocals. This isn't really my kind of thing. |
Lorraine Starting with just vocals, this is a slow doo-wop tune. If you like that kind of thing, you will probably enjoy this. I'm definitely not the target audience. |
Hot Pastrami And Mashed Potatoes This is another bouncy 60s rock groove. I like the soulful vocal stylings, and the organ definitely provides a lot of retro sound. |
Roly Poly This isn't any kind of deeply original thing, but it's fun. |
Hello Josephine More of a 50s rocker, this is fun, but nothing exceptional. |
Honky Tonk A bouncy instrumental number, this is an entertaining romp with prominent organ playing. |
I Lost My Baby A 1950s styled ballad, I like the guitar on this, but the song otherwise doesn't do a lot for me. |
Hey! Let's Twist This bouncy romp is a particularly good time. |
The Girl I Walk To School Here we are back in doo-wop territory. This has a good energy and some classy retro guitar sounds. |
Baby, You're Driving Me Crazy This romp is a good time. There are some doo-wop styled vocals that mar it a bit for me, but overall this works. |
Ya Ya Another that's fun, but not al that special, this is better than some of the others for me. |
This Boat Here we get more of that party kind of vibe. It's a fun romp. The saxophone solo is on fire. |
Kansas City This blues meets party rock and roll groove is entertaining. It has some prominent organ playing. |
Peppermint Twist -part II Another party rocker, this so much fun. It's a great way to end the set. It includes some wailing saxophone and cool guitar playing. |