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Metal/Prog Metal DVD/Video Reviews

Black Sabbath

The Last Supper-DVD

Review by Gary Hill

As both a die-hard Black Sabbath fanatic and one who was fortunate enough to see the band several times on their reunion tour, I was really looking forward to this DVD. The quality of the performance, the videography and sound all lived up to my expectations, showing just how phenomenal of a tour this was. However, I would really love to know whose bright idea it was to intersperse interview segments between each and every song. Even that intrusion on the concert would have been acceptable had the DVD creators have at least given us an option to play the band footage straight through without the interview snippets - it is certainly possible. However, there was no voice of reason to do that. So, the only option is to keep your remote handy and skip from song to song. That is no fun.

Don't misunderstand, it is not as if the interview clips are not interesting, because they are. It is just that it would have been really nice to have opportunity to sit down and have the concert experience as it was meant to be seen. This inept decision on the part of the production team on this DVD drops it from the exceptional video it had the potential to be to something just above mediocre - what a shame.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2003 Year Book Volume 2 at

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