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Non-Prog DVD/Video Reviews

Phil Collins

A Life Less Ordinary DVD

Review by Gary Hill

This video is not perfect, and is not quite what I was expecting, but is pretty darn interesting. Indeed, I was thinking that I would find a lot of musical snippets and clips, and while there are some (from all phases of Phil's career, I might add), they are short and far and few between, but that is not the true purpose or beauty of this video.

One should not look at this really as a music video type of release, but rather as a biography set in video rather than on paper. As such, this is quite good, in fact, showing not only the polished side of the man, but also the mis-steps and blemishes along the way. This makes it both an enlightening experience, and a solid unbiased piece of journalism. I believe that even the most diehard fans will learn new things about this man, and gain a new appreciation for him.

Where a book based biography might be interspersed with quotes and photos, this one shows video footage of various former band members, relatives, friends and other musicians speaking about the various periods in Collins' career.

The only downsides, I can see are that those musical clips could have been a bit longer for my tastes, and the subtitles that run throughout can be a little annoying.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2003 Year Book Volume 2 at

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