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Progressive Rock DVD/Video Reviews

Barclay James Harvest

Caught Live DVD

Review by Gary Hill

This DVD came out in 2002. It’s an important historical document of a band at their peak. There are two parts to this. The first is a documentary of the band from 1977. There is a secondary piece that’s included that features live performances from the band. As a record of the band, this is quintessential. Beyond that, I’m not as enthralled by it.

First, the quality of this in terms of audio and video is far from up to modern standards. For the time in which it was done, it’s not bad, but it doesn’t hold up that well for those used to higher quality video. Secondly, the documentary is a product of its time. It’s less a narrative as it is a glimpse inside the band. It seems a little confusing at times, leaving me wondering what the significance of some of the footage was.

The live performance is about the same quality as the documentary. That means the sound can get pretty muddy and indistinct at points. Still, there are some great performances in the mix. Overall, I’d consider this something worth having, but you should not go in with expectations that are too high or you might be disappointed.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) in Music Street Journal: 2020  Volume 4. More information and purchase links can be found at:
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