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Non-Prog DVD/Video Reviews

Led Zeppelin

Physical Graffiti - A Classic Album Under Review DVD

Review by Gary Hill

One of two Led Zeppelin documentaries I'm reviewing this issue, in some ways, this is the better one. The main reason is that this uses more actual Zep music and live footage. That said, this is not perfect, and in some other ways the other one surpasses this one.

With a video ostensibly about a specific album, one expects a lot of the content to be about that album. Sure, you need some background context to put it all into perspective. The thing is, I didn't time it out, but I bet half of this is about the things leading up to the album. As such, it covers much of the same territory as that other video, and not as well.

When it comes to the actual album part, a large section of this includes various people talking about their opinion of the music. I have to say that I like the fact that they often contradict one another. I always say that every review (mine included) is just the opinion of one person. So, presenting differing opinions builds some credibility.

There were a lot of facts about the making of this album that I did not know before. I found that very enlightening. All in all, I'd recommend this as a very worthwhile documentary about a very classic album.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2022  Volume 1. More information and purchase links can be found at:

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