 Love Drive
 Review by Gary Hill
I know that for many people the post Uli Jon Roth era of Scorpions is the best. Personally, I've always preferred the earlier stuff. The previous album to this one was Taken by Force, and it was the final one with Roth. To me, this was more of a transition album, seeming to have a lot of that older sound still in place, while also foreshadowing a lot of the more formulaic Scorpions sound that was to come. In place of Roth, Matthias Jabs took over the guitar position, but Michael Schenker (brother of Scorpions' Rudolf Schenker" guested here. He provided the lead solos on "Another Piece of Meat", "Coast to Coast", "Holiday", "Loving You Sunday Morning" and "Lovedrive" and co-wrote "Coast to Coast" and "Holiday." There was definitely a bit of his trademark sound in the musical mix of this album. I think this is the one disc that probably equally pleased fans of both eras of the group. The lineup was rounded out by Scorpions mainstays Klaus Meine (vocals), Francis Buchholz (bass) and Herman Rarebell (drums).
This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2018 Volume 6. More information and purchase links can be found at: garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2018.